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Showing posts with the label pregnant women

Pregnancy And HIV |

Due to advances in HIV care and treatment, many women living with HIV (HIV+) are living longer, healthier lives. As women living with HIV think about their futures, some are deciding to have the babies they always wanted. The good news is that advances in HIV treatment have also greatly lowered the chances that a mother will pass HIV on to her baby (also known as perinatal HIV transmission, or vertical transmission; also sometimes called “mother-to-child” transmission). The World Health Organization reports HIV that can be perinatally transmitted as much as 45 percent of the time when mothers are not taking HIV drugs. However, with HIV treatment, the chances of perinatal transmission can be less than five in 100 births. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), if the mother takes HIV drugs and is virally suppressed (viral load is undetectable), the chances of transmission can be less than one in 100. It is also important to note that studie...

Vitamin D Deficiency During Pregnancy |

A recent study revealed that depleted levels of Vitamin D at the 20th week of pregnancy are an indication of a higher risk of the presence of autistic traits in the baby. The study was conducted at the Queensland Brain Institute, at the University of Queensland, and it attempted to investigate the links between a Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy and increased risk of autistic traits. The research was led by Professor John McGrath, and it revealed that pregnant women who tend to have a vitamin D deficiency during the 20 weeks gestation are at a higher risk of giving birth to a child who will begin to exhibit autistic traits upon reaching the age of 6. The research provides ample evidence to validate the claim that a Vitamin D deficiency is strongly linked with the presence or birth of neurodevelopmental disorders. It further claims that prenatal Vitamin D supplements can reduce the risk of autism in the offspring just the way consuming folate during pregnancy can reduce th...