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Aging And HIV |

Table of Contents The Aging HIV Population Is Growing Living and Aging with HIV Aging-Related Health Challenges What Else Can You Do? Stigma and the Need for Social Support for Older Adults Living with HIV Taking Care of Yourself The Aging HIV Population Is Growing Worldwide, more than four million people 50 years and older are living with HIV (HIV+). According to UNAIDS, the proportion of older adults living with HIV continues to increase in all regions. For the first time since the HIV pandemic began, more than one in ten adults living with HIV is 50 or over in low- and middle-income countries. In high-income countries, approximately three in ten adults living with HIV are 50 or over. In the US, HIV began mostly as a disease of young men, but today the epidemic impacts people of all ages, including older people (age 50 and over). While 50 may not seem ‘old,’ it is often the age currently used by organizations that keep track of health-related statistics (e.g., the U...